Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Notes on Slick 3

Most examples are using await and that is blocking. Why use Slick if you are going to block? Look at onComplete, onSuccess, onFailure, and promise.

** Chaining transactions looks like this in one case{ (for {
    customer <-;
    address <- a
   } yield ()).transactionally

** Returning a list of ids from a select looks like this
 (but you can also use returning keyword) 
db = Database.forConfig("myactors.database")

session = db createSession;session.conn.setCatalog("mydb")

val query =[List].map(
val resultSet =
**this prints the list
resultSet.onComplete(res =>   println(s"string returns $res") ) 
**this waits for the future to return and uses the success/failure traits
  case Success(res) => res.foreach(x => === x).delete))
  case Failure(ex) =>  println(s"error $ex")
**Testing is a challenge for aysync operations. Using an eventually retry block or a continuation both work.  This is with eventually.  
it("ids are generated when None is passed in table calls"){
  val pk = None
  val validation =

  sut.insertStringMsg(None, "this is a fancy message", mockSuccessFunction(waiter), mockFailureFunction(waiter))
  sut.insertStringMsg(None, "this is another fancy message", mockSuccessFunction(waiter), mockFailureFunction(waiter))

  eventually(timeout(duration)) {
  val resultSet = Await.result(, duration)
 case Success(res) => resultSet.head.equals(99) shouldBe true 
 case Failure(ex) => fail(s"this failed $ex) 

**Some ways to insert
table returning table forceInsert JsonMessage(receiptId, messageData, None)
table returning table insertOrUpdate JsonMessage(receiptId, messageData, None)
table returning table += JsonMessageInsert(receiptId, messageData)
**And any of these can return nothing
table += JsonMessageInsert(receiptId, messageData)
table insertOrUpdate JsonMessage(receiptId, messageData, None)
/** * `Await` is what is used to ensure proper handling of blocking for `Awaitable` instances. * * While occasionally useful, e.g. for testing, it is recommended that you avoid Await * when possible in favor of callbacks and combinators like onComplete and use in * for comprehensions. Await will block the thread on which it runs, and could cause * performance and deadlock issues. */ 
Clean up is a chore as well for integration tests. In this case I did clean up in the AfterAll block  to avoid cleaning data during concurrent test runs. 

override def afterAll() {
  db = Database.forConfig("rtisystem.database")

  session = db createSession;  session.conn.setCatalog("rti")

  val query =[List].map(
  val resultSet =

    case Success(res) => res.foreach(x => === x).delete))
    case Failure(ex) =>  println(s"error $ex")

  val jquery =[List].map(
  val jresultSet =

    case Success(res) => res.foreach(x => === x).delete))
    case Failure(ex) =>  println(s"error $ex")

This is an test example where I insert two records through a DAO extension method and compare them in a select query. 

it("generates ids when None is passed instead of a long in the table call"){
  val pk = None
  val msgList: List[String] = List("this is a fancy message", "this is a fancy message also")
  val read = Tables.rawStringMessages.filter(row => row.message_data inSet msgList).map(

  sut.insertStringMsg(None, msgList.head,      mockSuccessFunction(waiter), mockFailureFunction(waiter))
  sut.insertStringMsg(None, msgList.tail.head, mockSuccessFunction(waiter), mockFailureFunction(waiter))

  eventually(timeout(duration)) {
    val resultSet =
    resultSet.onComplete {
      case Success(res) => assert(res.head != res.tail.head && res.head > 100000 && res.tail.head > 100000)
      case Failure(ex) => println(s"error $ex")

val visitorId: Int = // whatever
val locationCodes = List("loc1","loc2","loc3"...)
// your query, with bind params.
val q = for {
    v <- Visits 
    if v.visitor is visitorId.bind
    if v.location_code inSetBind locationCodes
  } yield v
// have a look at the generated query.
// run the query
*** To use a db default ***
Column Option[Timestamp]
table += Class(id, data, Some(timestamp))

Or a detailed version

import slick.driver.PostgresDriver.api._
import slick.lifted._
import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp}

/** A representation of the message decorated for Slick persistence
  * created_date should always be null on insert operations.
  * It is set at the database level to ensure time syncronicity
  * Id is the Twitter snowflake id. All columns NotNull unless declared as Option
  * */
class RawMessages(tag: Tag) extends Table[(String, Option[String], Timestamp)](tag, Some("rti"), "RawMessages") {
  def id = column[String]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
  def MessageString = column[Option[String]]("MessageString")
  def CreatedDate = column[Timestamp]("CreatedDate", O.SqlType("timestamp default now()"))
  def * = (id, MessageString, CreatedDate)